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Dieses Thema hat 10 Antworten
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 Skripte und Zusatzprogramme
Marius Raabe Offline

Beiträge: 718

02.05.2011 17:52
RE: Träges Befehlscenter Zitat · Antworten

Als ich am Wochenende ein paar Befehle in meinem englischen Benutzerprofil gesucht habe, ist mir aufgefallen, dass sich das Befehlscenter dort sehr viel schneller öffnet – das liegt offenbar daran, dass in meinem englischen Profil praktisch keine benutzerdefinierte Befehle hinterlegt sind. In meinem deutschen Profil sind es demgegenüber ziemlich viele, das Öffnen des Befehlscenter dauert bei mir bestimmt so 10 s.

Können andere diesen Effekt bestätigen?

Sehr viel schlimmer finde ich noch etwas anderes: nach der Änderung eines Skript-Befehls und dem Schließen des Befehlscenter scheint Dragon beim ersten Aufruf eines beliebigen benutzerdefinierten Sprachbefehls (das muss nicht der geänderte sein) im Hintergrund eine komplette neue Kompilation durchzuführen oder etwas Ähnliches, jedenfalls dauert es dann eine ziemliche Weile, bis ein Befehl erkannt wird und danach noch einmal viel länger, bis er auch ausgeführt wird, wobei in dieser Zeit eine ungewöhnlich hohe Auslastung der CPU zu beobachten ist.
Das macht es ziemlich mühsam, nach der Methode Versuch-und-Irrtum an Skripten zu basteln.

Geht das anderen auch so?

Jedenfalls vor diesem Hintergrund mag der heute in anderem Zusammenhang auf KnowBrainer diskutierte Ansatz, bei Word-Skripten diese nur in Word zu bearbeiten und sich in Dragon darauf zu beschränken, das Skript mit seinem Namen aufzurufen in der Art:

Sub Main
Word.Application.Run "Skriptname"
End Sub

(natürlich mit Einbindung der Word Objekt-Bibliothek in das Dragon-Skript) komparativ schneller erscheinen.

Was meint das Forum?

Beste Grüße, Marius Raabe

Dragon NaturallySpeaking 11.5 Legal
Windows 7 Prof. 64-Bit, Office 2010, Jarte Plus
Philips SpeechMike II Pro Plus, SpeechMike III, SpeechMike Air, PDCC 2.8
Intel Core2 Quad Q9550, 2,83 GHz, 2x6MB L-2, 8 GB RAM

monkey8 Offline

Beiträge: 315

03.05.2011 01:48
#2 RE: Träges Befehlscenter Zitat · Antworten


the time taken for the Command Browser to load is dependent on the number of commands but more importantly on the size of the commands file. (MyCmds.dat)

The number of commands and the size of the commands file are not directly related but what is related to the size of the commands file is the number of text and graphics commands that have, specifically with graphics. What size is your commands file?

You can have 2000 commands in your commands file and it can be 500 kB, you can have 10 commands and it can be 20 MB. So what size is your commands file and it will give me a better idea from which I can possibly give you solution.


Marius Raabe Offline

Beiträge: 718

03.05.2011 07:27
#3 RE: Träges Befehlscenter Zitat · Antworten

thanks for getting back to me on that one. The size of MyCmds.dat of my primary (German) user profile is 853 kB - I do not have many graphics commands, but quite a lot of user-generated commands. Something must have happened recently - 5 month ago, the file was about half as large (though I don't think I doubled my "programming" efforts).
The size of a "virgin" MyCmds.dat (English Profile) is about 98 kB.
Do you also experience any additional latency when issuing the first user-defined speech command after modifying one of those user-defined scripts?


Dragon NaturallySpeaking 11.5 Legal
Windows 7 Prof. 64-Bit, Office 2010, Jarte Plus
Philips SpeechMike II Pro Plus, SpeechMike III, SpeechMike Air, PDCC 2.8
Intel Core2 Quad Q9550, 2,83 GHz, 2x6MB L-2, 8 GB RAM

monkey8 Offline

Beiträge: 315

03.05.2011 09:59
#4 RE: Träges Befehlscenter Zitat · Antworten


am not so sure I fully understand the Google translation on the issue regarding modifying a user defined command. If I modify one of the sample scripts, as an example, when I then call the command I do not seem to get any latency. The standard size of the English commands file for a newly created user should be 65 kB or thereabouts. Would you mind just explaining again in English for my benefit. Your commands file is not particularly large but if it has doubled in size recently you have probably just added one or two text and graphics commands, even a small graphic can have this effect. Particularly when you use bitmaps/png/tiff, try to use something like JPEG whenever possible.

I have a 2 MB command file with something like 1400 commands and it takes about six seconds to load the Command Browser. If I remove a couple of text and graphics commands (one in particular) it reduces the size of the file to 300 kB and it takes about 3 1/2 seconds to load.


Marius Raabe Offline

Beiträge: 718

03.05.2011 10:26
#5 RE: Träges Befehlscenter Zitat · Antworten

you were perfectly right regarding graphics commands: AFAIK (sorry, I am typing), I had just one, which I added recently for testing purposes following a discussion on this forum initiated by Anja
It was scan of my signature which I remember to be a small JPEG of 36 kB. I just deleted the command and the size of MyCmds.dat dropped to 550 kB, something around its old size...
Loading time of the command browser is now about 7 seconds.
Regarding that other latency issue: After having edited a script in the command browser, the first user-defined speech command (script) I issue (not necessarily the edited one) takes unusually long to deploy (something like 10-15 seconds), while I can observe an unusually high CPU usage. After that, everything is back to normal, user-defined scripts deploy instantly. I remember that this latency did not occur in the beginning of using V11, then it started to occur sporadically, but nowadays after every modification of user-defined scripts. I thought maybe Dragon does sort of a recompilation "on demand", but I am not sure (how could I be).


Dragon NaturallySpeaking 11.5 Legal
Windows 7 Prof. 64-Bit, Office 2010, Jarte Plus
Philips SpeechMike II Pro Plus, SpeechMike III, SpeechMike Air, PDCC 2.8
Intel Core2 Quad Q9550, 2,83 GHz, 2x6MB L-2, 8 GB RAM

monkey8 Offline

Beiträge: 315

05.05.2011 21:41
#6 RE: Träges Befehlscenter Zitat · Antworten


thanks for the reviewed description in English, unfortunately I just don't see (or maybe fortunately) that behaviour so I am not quite sure why it does this. When it loads the commands file initially, when loading the Command Browser, it basically sets up lots of command objects which DNS can then work with programmatically. However when you just add one script, or edit one script, it should not be necessary to reload everything again so sorry but not quite sure what is causing your delay. Of course you could always go through the process of trying it with an untrained user profile with your commands file and see if the problem still occurs. If it does then export all of your commands to an XML file, resort to the default commands file, and then start importing commands in groups and you may have one particular culprit. Process of elimination basically.

Alternatively you may prefer to jump off a bridge or walk across an autobahn at night


R.Wilke Offline

Beiträge: 6.368

05.05.2011 23:22
#7 RE: Träges Befehlscenter Zitat · Antworten


Kudos. Clear, concise, and nicely put together.



Dragon Professional 16 auf Windows 10 Pro und Windows 11
SpeechMike Premium (LFH3500); Office 2019 Pro + Office 365 (monatliches Abo)
HP ZBook Fury 17 G8 - i7-11800H - 24 MB SmartCache - 32 GB RAM - 1 TB SSD

Marius Raabe Offline

Beiträge: 718

06.05.2011 07:07
#8 RE: Träges Befehlscenter Zitat · Antworten

not nice to make fun of somebody already lying on the ground - in this case, just below a bridge
It is good to know that this latency issue is not some general behaviour, but just my problem...
I will try the elimination method when I get too fed up with that latency, but, then, maybe I will just live with it until setting up a new user under V. 11.1, 11.5 or whatever it will be dubbed.
Isn't it marvellous I still stick with the Dragon although my copy treats me so unfairly - with command deployment latencies and an absolute unwillingness to switch directly from an English to a German profile? That must be true love...

Banana brain

Dragon NaturallySpeaking 11.5 Legal
Windows 7 Prof. 64-Bit, Office 2010, Jarte Plus
Philips SpeechMike II Pro Plus, SpeechMike III, SpeechMike Air, PDCC 2.8
Intel Core2 Quad Q9550, 2,83 GHz, 2x6MB L-2, 8 GB RAM

Drachenfee Offline

Beiträge: 213

14.08.2011 21:50
#9 RE: Träges Befehlscenter Zitat · Antworten

In meinem Befehlscenter sind recht viele kurze Skripte enthalten (zumeist nur Wortbausteine). Eine Verlangsamung beim Öffnen kann ich nicht erkennen.

Besten Dank

Dragon NaturallySpeaking 11.5; Windows 8 / 64

R.Wilke Offline

Beiträge: 6.368

14.08.2011 21:52
#10 RE: Träges Befehlscenter Zitat · Antworten

Hallo Anja,

schön, mal wieder von Dir zu hören! Wo hast Du so lange gesteckt?



Dragon Professional 16 auf Windows 10 Pro und Windows 11
SpeechMike Premium (LFH3500); Office 2019 Pro + Office 365 (monatliches Abo)
HP ZBook Fury 17 G8 - i7-11800H - 24 MB SmartCache - 32 GB RAM - 1 TB SSD

Drachenfee Offline

Beiträge: 213

16.08.2011 08:59
#11 RE: Träges Befehlscenter Zitat · Antworten

Hallo Rüdiger,

du hast eine PM

Besten Dank

Dragon NaturallySpeaking 11.5; Windows 8 / 64

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