Hat jemand schon Erfahrung mit Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12.5 und Internet Explorer 10 auf einem 64 Bit-Windows?
In der Hilfe von Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12.5 heißt es:
ZitatDie Unterstützung für Webanwendungen von Dragon bietet volle Textsteuerung in den folgenden Webbrowsern und Versionen: Microsoft Internet Explorer, Version 9 or 10, nur 32-Bit
Andernorts hat Lupus gelesen, dass der neue Internet Explorer 10 auf einem 64-Bit-Windows (anders als noch Internet Explorer 9) nur in der 64-Bit-Version zu installieren sei (also: Ein 64 Bit-Betriebssystem erzwingt den 64 Bit-Browser, was bisher nicht der Fall war). Schließt Lupus zu Recht, dass alle Benutzer von 64-Bit-Windows mit dem neuen Internet Explorer 10 keine volle Textkontrolle in Web-Anwendungen erhalten werden?
Interessiert, ob das in der Praxis so ist, dankt im Voraus für Erfahrungsberichte
excuse me replying to you in English but I can assure you that your English will be far superior to my German. When you run Internet Explorer 10 are you running it from the start menu tiles or are you running it from the desktop? Also excuse me if I have misunderstood your question.
If you simply click on the Internet Explorer 10 tile on the new Windows 8 start menu that is the Internet Explorer app which is not fully supported by Dragon. You need to go to the desktop and start it from there. There is a lot of confusion over this but effectively Windows 8 is running both standard type Windows 7 desktop and Windows RT at the same time, if you load Internet Explorer from the tile on the start menu you are running the app and that is not fully supported if at all.
One other point on Internet Explorer 10 with 64-bit Windows 8. Although there is now only one version of Internet Explorer 10 running under Windows 8 you can run in 32 bit mode or 64-bit mode. No longer do you have two separate applications. However I believe that 12.5 should support both 32-bit and 64-bit settings but I haven't tried it to be honest. Also bear in mind that the Internet Explorer 10 app is another thing yet again.
Lindsay: Thank you for your explanation. My apologies, I simply forgot to mention that my question concerned IE 10 running under Windows 7 64-bit. I am just wondering whether it is wise to block IE 10 from installing automatically via Windows Update.
Zitat von Lupus BetaLindsay: Thank you for your explanation. My apologies, I simply forgot to mention that my question concerned IE 10 running under Windows 7 64-bit. I am just wondering whether it is wise to block IE 10 from installing automatically via Windows Update.
Lupus B.
I would encourage you to try it and let us know how it goes. 12.5 is pretty much IE10 compatible (including 64-bit) but it has one nasty problem under Windows 8 when it crashes Windows 8 with mouse positioning scripts applied to the Internet Explorer instance. I would be interested to know if this also occurs under Windows 7 or whether it is a Windows 8 issue.