Wir haben Dragon Speech seit ca. zwei Monaten bei uns im Betrieb installiert und sind begeistert davon, wie gut die Spracherkennung funktioniert.
Seit ca. zwei Wochen führt jedoch das Ausschalten des Mikros unweigerlich dazu, dass der PC abstürzt. Es ist egal, ob wir dies mit der plus-Taste oder per Klick auf das Symbol herbeiführen. Dies ist vor allem verwunderlich, da sich am PC selbst eigentlich nichts geändert hat. Wir haben auch bereits mehrere Benutzerprofile ausprobiert – allerdings leider mit dem selben negativen Ergebnis.
Die Programme, die wir zwischenzeitlich zusätzlich installiert hatten, haben wir auch schon wieder entfernt um dies auszuschließen. Dies gilt auch für Dragon Speech. Wir haben das Programm deinstalliert und neu installiert.
Einziger weiterer Effekt der aufgetaucht ist, ist das auch die Tastaturanschläge jetzt verhältnismäßig lange brauchen, bis sie in zum Beispiel Word umgesetzt werden.
Aktuell diktiere ich auch mit einer zweiten Lizenz auf einem anderen PC – und dies völlig einwandfrei.
Die Frage ist also: oder kann es liegen, dass das Programm jedes Mal abstürzt wenn das Mikrofon ausgeschaltet wird obwohl sich am PC eigentlich nichts geändert hat und das Programm ca. zwei Monate sehr stabil lief?
Ich freue mich über Ihre Tipps und Hilfe! Vielen Dank im Voraus!
Welcome to the forum. I hope you don't mind me replying to you in English but my two fellow German moderators are currently on holiday somewhere in France. If you need a translation then please just ask as help is at hand very quickly.
There have been a number of issues over the years which can cause this behaviour, no particular pattern and ranging from using AOL software to problems with particular types of microphone like the Plantronics DSP.
It would help me greatly if you could give me some more information including your system specification, CPU, memory, version of Dragon NaturallySpeaking, type of microphone and soundcard.
I also hear what you're saying with regards to uninstalling the programs that you have installed since the problem started but nonetheless this type of problem does normally boil down to some sort of conflict. However let's start with the information I have asked for above and take it from there.
Would you also please post your Dragon log to the forum so I can have a look at that. It is accessible via the Start Menu | All Programs |Dragon NaturallySpeaking11 | show Dragon log (at least in English). When you open the Dragon log can you save it as a text file and then post it as an attachment to the forum.
Welcome to the forum. I hope you don't mind me replying to you in English but my two fellow German moderators are currently on holiday somewhere in France. If you need a translation then please just ask as help is at hand very quickly.
There have been a number of issues over the years which can cause this behaviour, no particular pattern and ranging from using AOL software to problems with particular types of microphone like the Plantronics DSP.
It would help me greatly if you could give me some more information including your system specification, CPU, memory, version of Dragon NaturallySpeaking, type of microphone and soundcard.
I also hear what you're saying with regards to uninstalling the programs that you have installed since the problem started but nonetheless this type of problem does normally boil down to some sort of conflict. However let's start with the information I have asked for above and take it from there.
Would you also please post your Dragon log to the forum so I can have a look at that. It is accessible via the Start Menu | All Programs |Dragon NaturallySpeaking11 | show Dragon log (at least in English). When you open the Dragon log can you save it as a text file and then post it as an attachment to the forum.
I have had a look at your Dragon log and would suggest the following:
1. First of all you need to switch off a Microsoft accessibility feature for advanced text services called ctfmon.exe. As you are using version 11 the way to do this is to close your user profile first of all (but not NaturallySpeaking), then click on the Tools | Administrative Settings | Miscellaneous and put a checkmark in "Disable Windows Advanced Text Services". This facility can cause lots of problems with Dragon NaturallySpeaking but unlikely it is causing the microphone problem but you never know. Once you have checked there is a checkmark in the correct place then close NaturallySpeaking and reboot Windows.
I should point out that this issue is dealt with automatically with Windows Vista and Windows 7 but as you are using Windows XP then you will need to carry out the above procedure. Your Dragon tells me that currently there is no checkmark to disable the advanced text services and of course that you are running Windows XP.
2. Presuming that the above has no effect on the microphone problem (even if it has not then leave it with a checkmark because enabling advanced text services can cause other problems with Dragon). I believe the problem could be with the Realtek audio device, I appreciate it was working before but nonetheless I suggest making sure first of all that you have the latest drivers for this device. If not then update the drivers and again reboot Windows.
As a matter of interest when the system was working properly were you using version 11 then as well or have you just recently upgraded. The reason I ask is that version 11 uses a different sampling rate and this could be the reason that the Realtek is crashing, it's fine with 11,000 kHz that the version 11 sampling rate is 22,000kHz and there may be be a problem with that.
3. If the problem still exists then, if possible, could you try plugging your microphone into a USB sound pod/sound device. Now I appreciate you are unlikely to have one of these at hand but if you have or can borrow one temporarily then please try using that just as a diagnostic routine. If you do have one then plug it in and then plug your microphone into it instead of the Realtek, then Audio | Check Microphone and run through the procedure using the new USB sound pod. See if this eliminates the problem with crashing when switching off the microphone.
4. As you are probably unlikely to be able to try 3 above then alternatively can you try this. Set up a new user profile and when choosing the microphone source choose "line in" for the Realtek instead of "Mic In" and then plug your microphone into the line in socket of the inbuilt soundcard (this is usually blue as opposed to red). Presuming that your existing system Realtek does have a line in then just go through the volume check and quality check for the microphone. Then when you come to training can you just choose "Skip Training" (NO Training). All of the above should take less than 5 min, then load the user and try dictating (don't worry about the accuracy) and then try switching off your microphone again to see if the problem still exists.
If you could try the above in the order specified and let me know how you get on.
Zitat von monkey8I believe the problem could be with the Realtek audio device, I appreciate it was working before but nonetheless I suggest making sure first of all that you have the latest drivers for this device.
Thank you for your answer!
We installed the latest realtek-update and now it works again!