Hallo . Ich würde das Dragon-Programm gern an meinem Musiker-PC testen. Das geht aber leider nicht, ich bekomme immer wieder die Meldung: Mikro zu leise.
Ich habe zwei große Mikes an meinem PC, mit denen ich Musik aufnehme. Das klappt wunderbar. Auch gerade eben noch.
Aber bei Dragon kommt kein Ton an, habe BEIDE Mikes getestet.
Meine Vermutung:
Ich verwende ASIO-Soundtreiber, die in Musikerkreisen oft verwendet werden. Meine Soundkarte, über die alles läuft, ist eine M-Audio Delta 1010LT.
Hello there and thank you. No, there was no choice given to me to choose a soundcard. Dragon just gives me 2 options: The two mikes in my system. Just one card, the one I mentioned, the onboard is disabled.
The thing is: When I try to setup the Windows 7 speech detection, just to try it, it doesn’t work either. I have a very strong feeling that this is all due to the ASIO-drivers, which have “taken over” the whole sound system of the pc. My music recording devices and other stuff like guitar amplifier would not work without these drivers.
Like I said: In my music software the mikes work just fine, brilliant, but the program is powered by ASIO-drivers.
Willkommen auch von mir. Mit Asio-Treibern kenne ich mich nicht aus, die Frage ist aber, ob die verwendeten Mikrofone überhaupt für den Einsatz mit Dragon geeignet wären. Es kann sehr gut sein, dass sie dafür sogar "zu gut" sind. Sind dazu keine Alternativen vorhanden?
Gruß, RW
Dragon Professional 16 auf Windows 10 Pro und Windows 11 SpeechMike Premium (LFH3500); Office 2019 Pro + Office 365 (monatliches Abo) HP ZBook Fury 17 G8 - i7-11800H - 24 MB SmartCache - 32 GB RAM - 1 TB SSD
Was mir gerade noch eingefallen ist, wenn die Treiber zusätzliche Effekte einschalten, ist das für Dragon sehr ungünstig.
Gruß, RW
Dragon Professional 16 auf Windows 10 Pro und Windows 11 SpeechMike Premium (LFH3500); Office 2019 Pro + Office 365 (monatliches Abo) HP ZBook Fury 17 G8 - i7-11800H - 24 MB SmartCache - 32 GB RAM - 1 TB SSD
Sounds like the combination of your microphones and soundcard/or drivers are just not appreciated by Dragon. To cut a long story short the easiest solution would be to add a USB soundpod (like the buddy USB 6G) with another microphone.
Dragon allows you to choose your sound source irrespective of the window sound system settings or any other application settings for that matter. Therefore having a separate soundcard and microphone for Dragon would probably be a surefire fix for your problem.
Additionally with a decent noise cancelling microphone you can use DNS quite happily with music in the background at a fairly decent level while mixing your tracks, editing your audio etc.
It may well just be worth trying the additional soundcard/USB soundboard initially like the buddy USB 6G along with one of your existing microphones. Particularly if you suspect the drivers on your current soundcard.
One other question, when you are doing the sound volume check can you actually see the green signal level responding to your speech on the volume check dialogue? You could try turning on AGC (automatic gain control) to boost the volume if your soundcard drivers allow such an option. However doing this is not normally conducive to good recognition quality with Dragon.
Thanks, but NO, I can't even see the level. There is no sound at all detected by dragon. Can i CHANGE the soundcard inside dragon, is there an option to to that?
Nein, in Dragon kann man die Lautstärke o.ä. nicht einstellen. Es liegt wohl an der Verstärkung oder ähnlichen Effekten der Soundkarte selbst. Wie schon gesagt, Dragon mag nur ganz "einfache" Soundkarten und Geräte, sonst könnten 99 % der Anwender nichts damit anfangen, in der Konstellation wird es wohl nicht gehen.
Gruß, RW
Dragon Professional 16 auf Windows 10 Pro und Windows 11 SpeechMike Premium (LFH3500); Office 2019 Pro + Office 365 (monatliches Abo) HP ZBook Fury 17 G8 - i7-11800H - 24 MB SmartCache - 32 GB RAM - 1 TB SSD
If you have more than one soundcard enabled then Dragon will always give you the choice of which soundcard to use. If you only have one soundcard then it won't. However what it will do, when first setting up your user profile, is give you the choice of the type of source for your dictation. This could be anything from "MIC-IN jack" (most likely your setup), to a USB device and even a dictation machine. If you can't remember what option you chose when first setting up your user profile then set up a new profile and make sure you are choosing the correct source. Presumably your microphone(s) are plugged into the microphone in socket on your soundcard? (Red or pink 3.5 mm socket normally). Alternatively if you have them plugged into the line-in jack then you'll need to choose that.
Additionally if you right click on the speaker icon in the system tray and then choose recording devices you should be able to see your microphone level dancing about as you speak into the microphone.
This is with Windows 7/Windows Vista and on the same dialogue you can highlight your microphone/soundcard combination and check the levels.