Beim tagtäglichen Diktieren höre ich gern klassische Musik auf, und zwar ebenfalls über das per USB angeschlossene Sennheiser-Headset. Könnte hierin die Ursache dafür liegen, dass der Drache (10.1) mir zuweilen ungenügende Systemressourcen anzeigt? Meine Konfiguration: Windows 7 , 32 Bit, auf einem Lenovo- Notebook, Arbeitsspeicher 2GB, Pentium ® Dual-Core T4400, 2,20 GHz
Windows 11, MS Office 2019, Dragon Naturally Speaking Home 15, Huawei Tablet E 13
first of all excuse me replying to you in English and if you need a translation then try using Google translation or alternatively just ask if something is not clear. I expect your English is far superior to my German.
From memory I think the minimum specifications for 10.1 DNS were 512 MB and a Pentium4 processor. However these specifications were recommended really for using Windows XP and not Windows 7 which is more resource intensive. Running with Windows 7 I think your resources are being stretched to the limit. For further clarification if you right click on the taskbar | Start Task Manager and look at the performance tab you'll get a further breakdown of exactly which resources are being used. My best guess is that your memory is possibly the resource that DNS is complaining about.
I would doubt very much that you listening to classical music is exasperating the problem. It may be worth adding a further 2 GB of memory if this is possible, although Windows 7 32 bit addressing will only allow access to something like 3.2 GB this extra 1.2 GB could make all the difference.
When the task manager is loaded you should also try clicking on the processes tab and look at the process Natspeak.exe and this will tell you exactly how much memory is being allocated to it. It may also be that other resource intensive programs are adding to the problem when they are loaded the same time as DNS, again you will find it further information looking at the various sections of the task manager.
thank you very much for your exhaustive and convincing explanation. "Speichererweiterung" (adding more memory) will certainly be the method of choice, also because I often use MS Office 2007 together with DNS.
Windows 11, MS Office 2019, Dragon Naturally Speaking Home 15, Huawei Tablet E 13
Unabhängig davon, dass ich dem Problem durch Speichererweiterung beikommen will, wüsste ich gern, was folgende Fehlermeldung bedeutet: "COM hat eine unerwartete Fehlermeldung zurückgegeben. Weitere Informationen darüber in HOOKERR_NONOTIFYWINDOW." Wer oder was ist COM? Sind unerwartete Fehlermeldungen schlimmer als erwartete? Wer oder was ist HOOK... (RR heißt mein Notebook, die beiden Buchstaben könnten von dort kommen.) Ich kann keine weiteren Informationen abrufen, weil (Captain?) Hook auf dem gesamten Notebook nicht gefunden wird.
Windows 11, MS Office 2019, Dragon Naturally Speaking Home 15, Huawei Tablet E 13
this specific error is caused by an unforeseen interaction between Adobe Acrobat/Adobe Reader X and Dragon NaturallySpeaking. If you make sure that Dragon has the 11.5 update installed and also make sure that Adobe Acrobat/Adobe Reader has all the latest updates applied (Help | Check for Updates). Also see the following information sheet:
thank you again for an exhaustive reply. Having read the information sheet and the introduction into the Wiki contribution. I shall try the unprotected mode of Adobe and, if that does not help, discard the Adobe Reader. I know a good replacement and I am confident my DNS 10.1 will do the trick.
Windows 11, MS Office 2019, Dragon Naturally Speaking Home 15, Huawei Tablet E 13