ich habe eine Anwendung die ich häufig benutze (PsPad) die aber leider nicht über "Select and Say" verfügt. Es bestünde allerdings die Möglichkeit zu versuchen, dem Programmierer eine E-Mail zu schreiben und darum zu bitten zumindestens für das Textfeld die entsprechenden Änderungen vorzunehmen. Leider weiß ich nicht, ob dies viel Arbeit ist oder ob ich damit eventuell zu viel des Guten verlange. Kann mir hierzu jemand etwas sagen? Was müsste ich ihm schreiben, was er ändern muss?
dazu müsste die Anwendung mit der/dem frei erhältlichen Microsoft Speech Application Interface (SAPI) bestückt werden, ich glaube Version 4, weiß aber nicht wirklich, wovon ich spreche, ebensowenig, wieviel Aufwand das ist. Da gibt es sicher Berufenere, die dazu etwas sagen können. Generell finde ich es immer gut, Programmierer darauf hinzuweisen, dass Spracherkennungskompatibilität heutzutage ein Muss ist.
Just send them the following document and it explains the easiest way to do it. The easiest way is if they use standard Windows programming text box components, using a programming IDE such as visual studio, then it will be Select-and-Say enabled. The first document shows you how to make Windows applications accessible with DNS and the second helps you make webpages accessible with DNS. If the programmers used an open source IDE such as Eclipse with Java then it is not so straightforward.
Thank you very much Marius and Lindsay for your reply. As far as I understand, the application is written in Delphi which would be good,because as far as I understand the PDF you linked, this is easily supported. I made a suggestion on the PsPad forums, we will see how it goes.
"I am sorry, but I am not able to help you. PSPad is based on control, what allows syntax highlight - TSynedit. Suggested classes from your document: TMemo, TEdit, TRichEdit doesn't allow it.
Editor component implements standard Windows message handling, standard Windows API.
In my opinion, it's problem of your software, that it isn't able read text from PSpad, not PSpad itself."
Wenn ich das richtig verstehe, nutzt das Programm eine erweiterte Form der zugelassenen Controls und wird daher von Dragon nicht erkannt.
I just tried your application quickly this morning and I can dictate into the text editor fine and also select text etc. However it is not fully Select-and-Say compatible so I tried the workaround quickly. What you need to add is the following to your NSAPPS.ini
[PSPad] App Support GUID = {dd100104-6205-11cf-ae61-0000e8a28647}
[PSPadEnable Class Names] TPSSynEdit=1
the above didn't work for me but you can try adding the version information like it explains on the help sheet and you can also try the different values for the edit boxes to see how it goes. The important information from above is that the text editor is class name: TPSSynEdit and the executable name is PSPad(.exe). The version I am using is 4.5.4 which I downloaded this morning.
Best wishes Lindsay
Edit: incidentally Jask thanks for the pointer to the Nuance information sheet, I must try this with some other non-Select-and-Say applications as I had never seen it before.
hi lindsay, thanks for the help unfortunately i can't get it to work. but I updated my PsPad and now at least have the basic editing options you described. thanks again