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Dieses Thema hat 3 Antworten
und wurde 773 mal aufgerufen
markus.abel Offline

Beiträge: 2

28.06.2016 21:07
RE: Dragon 13 startet nach Installation unter Windows 10 nicht Zitat · Antworten

ich bin neu hier. Mein Problem habe ich über die Suche nicht gefunden, drum eröffne ich diesen neuen Thread.
Ich hoffe dass ich keinen vorhandenen Thread übersehen habe.

Mit Dragon bin ich zum ersten Mal konfrontiert und schon am verzweifeln.
Um das Programm mal zu testen habe ich mir Dragon Home 13 gekauft und es auf meinem ACER Notebook mit Windows 10 installiert. Bis dahin lief alle problemlos.
Nach dem ersten Start soll sich laut Bedienungsanleitung das Fenster zum Erstellen eines Benutzerprofils öffnen.
Doch es passiert nichts. Wenn ich das Programm mit einem Doppelklick starte kommt das Ladefenster mit dem Nuance Dragon Logo und dann tut sich nichts mehr. Das Fenster bleibt so stehen. Ich kann nichts anklicken, bekomme keine Fehlermeldung, nichts.
Habe Dragon dann nochmal komplett deinstalliert und neu installiert (nach Neustart). Jedoch bekomme ich das gleiche Ergebnis. Nun hoffe ich hier auf eine Idee was ich tun kann.

DNS Home 13, Windows 10

Marius_ Offline

Beiträge: 1.277

29.06.2016 19:21
#2 RE: Dragon 13 startet nach Installation unter Windows 10 nicht Zitat · Antworten

Anhand der Beschreibung lässt sich eine präzise Diagnose nicht liefern. Das Phänomen ist jedenfalls nicht verbreitet.
Vielleicht schauen Sie mal nach, was in der Log-Datei von Dragon so steht, und berichten darüber. Diese finden Sie hier:

C:ProgramDataNuanceNaturallySpeaking13logs[IHR BENUTZERNAME]

Schließlich noch der Hinweis, dass Dragon Home 13 m.W. nicht offiziell für Windows 10 freigegeben ist.

Dragon Legal 16, Win 11 Pro, Microsoft 365 64-bit, SpeechMike Premium Air, i7-11700, 2,5 GHz, 64 GB RAM, 1TB SSD;
+ DLG 15.71, Win 10, unter Parallels Pro auf iMac Retina 5K 4,0 GHz i7-6700K, 32 GB RAM, 1TB SSD; + DLG 15.6, Win 10, Bootcamp auf MBP 2017 i5

markus.abel Offline

Beiträge: 2

30.06.2016 16:37
#3 RE: Dragon 13 startet nach Installation unter Windows 10 nicht Zitat · Antworten

Leider war beim Kauf nicht erkennbar, dass das Programm für Windows 10 nicht freigegeben ist.
Auf meinem Notebook war beim Kauf schon Win 10 installiert. Hatte also gar keine Wahl.

Hier das Protokoll:

2016-06-23|18:36:36.916| LOGGER| 7276| 7644|I|Client connected: natspeak.exe
2016-06-23|18:36:36.916| LEGACY| 7276| 7644|I|Starting process C:Program Files (x86)NuanceNaturallySpeaking13Programnatspeak.exe (DEU)
2016-06-25|16:40:11.184| LOGGER| 5884| 5860|I|Client connected: natspeak.exe
2016-06-25|16:40:11.184| LEGACY| 5884| 5860|I|Starting process C:Program Files (x86)NuanceNaturallySpeaking13Programnatspeak.exe (DEU)
2016-06-25|17:14:40.403| LOGGER| 7256| 8948|I|Client connected: natspeak.exe
2016-06-25|17:14:40.403| LEGACY| 7256| 8948|I|Starting process C:Program Files (x86)NuanceNaturallySpeaking13Programnatspeak.exe (DEU)
2016-06-25|17:14:41.581| LOGGER| 7268| 1924|I|Client connected: dgnuiasvr.exe
2016-06-25|17:14:41.581| LEGACY| 7268| 1924|I|(UIAServer) Identity: S-1-5-21-1850170402-3390379249-120057057-1001:Dragon.UiaServer
2016-06-25|17:14:41.582| LEGACY| 7268| 1924|I|(UIAServer) Info: The server has started with Integrity Access Level:
2016-06-25|17:14:43.756| LOGGER| 7364| 6848|I|Client connected: dgnuiasvr_x64.exe
2016-06-25|17:14:43.756| LEGACY| 7364| 6848|I|[x64] (UIAServer) Identity: S-1-5-21-1850170402-3390379249-120057057-1001:Dragon.UiaServer64
2016-06-25|17:14:43.780| LEGACY| 7364| 6848|I|[x64] (UIAServer) Info: The server has started with Integrity Access Level:
2016-06-25|17:14:44.043| LEGACY| 7256| 8948|I|LOG (MainWin): Windows user has administrative access to NatSpeak
2016-06-25|17:14:44.053| LEGACY| 7256| 8948|I|Dragon NaturallySpeaking Version
2016-06-25|17:14:44.086| LEGACY| 7256| 8948|I|OS: Windows 8 build 9200 64-bit
2016-06-25|17:14:44.086| LEGACY| 7256| 8948|I|Locale: 407
2016-06-25|17:14:44.086| LEGACY| 7256| 8948|I|Multimedia: Mikrofon (Realtek High Definiti(1.101)
2016-06-25|17:14:44.145| LEGACY| 7256| 8948|I|Marshaler: Microsoft, Version
2016-06-25|17:14:44.147| LEGACY| 7256| 8948|I|Doing QuickCheck of installation...
2016-06-25|17:14:44.152| LEGACY| 7256| 8948|I|Edition: Home
2016-06-25|17:14:44.156| LEGACY| 7256| 8948|I|Edition history:
2016-06-25|17:14:44.176| LEGACY| 7256| 8948|I|File C:WINDOWSsystem32comctl32.dll: Version 5.82.10586.0
2016-06-25|17:14:44.177| LEGACY| 7256| 8948|I|File C:WINDOWSsystem32riched20.dll: Version
2016-06-25|17:14:44.177| LEGACY| 7256| 8948|I|File C:WINDOWSsystem32riched32.dll: Version 6.2.10586.0, LanguageID 0x0409
2016-06-25|17:14:44.190| LEGACY| 7256| 8948|I|File C:WINDOWSsystem32comdlg32.dll: Version 6.2.10586.0
2016-06-25|17:14:44.191| LEGACY| 7256| 8948|I|File C:WINDOWSsystem32user32.dll: Version 6.2.10586.306
2016-06-25|17:14:44.191| LEGACY| 7256| 8948|I|File C:WINDOWSsystem32oleacc.dll: Version 7.2.10586.212
2016-06-25|17:14:44.211| LEGACY| 7256| 8948|I|Info: Running under 'MA-ACERNBMarkus' account (S-1-5-21-1850170402-3390379249-120057057-1001)
2016-06-25|17:14:44.211| LEGACY| 7256| 8948|I|UAC: Info: Running with Integrity Level:
2016-06-25|17:14:59.993| LEGACY| 7256| 8948|I|File C:WINDOWSspeechspeech.dll: Version
2016-06-25|17:15:00.106| LEGACY| 7256| 8948|I|File C:WINDOWSspeechvcmd.exe: Version
2016-06-25|17:15:00.107| LEGACY| 7256| 8948|I|File C:WINDOWSspeechvcmshl.dll: Version
2016-06-25|17:15:00.108| LEGACY| 7256| 8948|I|File C:Program Files (x86)NuanceNaturallySpeaking13Programdnstk10.dll: Version
2016-06-25|17:15:00.108| LEGACY| 7256| 8948|I|File C:Program Files (x86)NuanceNaturallySpeaking13Programdd10enum.dll: Version
2016-06-25|17:15:00.109| LEGACY| 7256| 8948|I|File C:Program Files (x86)NuanceNaturallySpeaking13Programdd10edit.dll: Version
2016-06-25|17:15:00.110| LEGACY| 7256| 8948|I|File C:Program Files (x86)NuanceNaturallySpeaking13Programnstex50.dll: Version
2016-06-25|17:15:00.117| LEGACY| 7256| 8948|I|Internet Explorer: Version 9.11.10586.0
2016-06-25|17:15:00.117| LEGACY| 7256| 8948|I|DirectX: Version
2016-06-25|17:15:00.410| LEGACY| 7256| 8948|I|IMA_ADPCM is supported by IMA ADPCM codec
2016-06-25|17:15:00.424| LEGACY| 7256| 8948|I|MPEGLAYER3 is supported by MPEG Layer-3 codec
2016-06-25|17:15:00.435| LEGACY| 7256| 8948|I|ADPCM is supported by Microsoft ADPCM codec
2016-06-25|17:15:00.451| LEGACY| 7256| 8948|I|ALAW is supported by CCITT A-Law codec
2016-06-25|17:15:00.451| LEGACY| 7256| 8948|I|MULAW is supported by CCITT u-Law codec
2016-06-25|17:15:00.535| LEGACY| 7256| 8948|I|QuickCheck Passed.
2016-06-25|17:15:00.568| LEGACY| 7256| 9076|I|Identity: S-1-5-5-0-279749:Dragon.ActiveServices
2016-06-25|17:15:00.777| S2| 7256| 7196|X|S2: 0ms ClsDSXEngine::Initialize 1 C:ProgramDataNuanceNaturallySpeaking13natspeak.ini 0 ENTER [2516671ms]
2016-06-25|17:15:00.777| S2| 7256| 7196|X|Server Version
2016-06-25|17:15:00.777| S2| 7256| 7196|X|Copyright (c) 1995-2014 Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.
2016-06-25|17:15:00.777| S2| 7256| 7196|X|S2: Tokenizer:
2016-06-25|17:15:00.778| S2| 7256| 7196|X|S2: ClsModularRecognizer 0x01012038 created.
2016-06-25|17:15:01.026| MREC| 7256| 7196|X|MREC - The modular recognizer
2016-06-25|17:15:01.026| MREC| 7256| 7196|X|MREC Build inmss (Intel Win32 MSVC++ 11.0 Small Ship)
2016-06-25|17:15:01.026| MREC| 7256| 7196|X|MREC Compiled 2014-08-04 15:44:58
2016-06-25|17:15:01.026| MREC| 7256| 7196|X|MREC Copyright (c) 1991-2014 Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.
2016-06-25|17:15:01.026| MREC| 7256| 7196|X|MREC Machine OS: Windows 8 build 9200 64-bit
2016-06-25|17:15:01.026| MREC| 7256| 7196|X|MREC Machine Speed: CyclesPerMicrosec: 1996; DynSRSF: 1524; StatSRSF: 3385
2016-06-25|17:15:01.026| MREC| 7256| 7196|X|MREC Machine Memory: RAM: 7128M; Address: 4095M; CommitLimit: 8280M
2016-06-25|17:15:01.026| MREC| 7256| 7196|X|MREC Machine Info: #LPUs: 4; PageSize: 4096; AllocGran: 65536
2016-06-25|17:15:01.026| MREC| 7256| 7196|X|MREC Machine Name: MA-ACERNB
2016-06-25|17:15:01.026| MREC| 7256| 7196|X|MREC CPU Label: AMD A8-6410 APU with AMD Radeon R5 Graphics
2016-06-25|17:15:01.026| MREC| 7256| 7196|X|MREC CPU Details: AuthenticAMD, Fam 22, Mod 48, Step 1, Type 0
2016-06-25|17:15:01.026| MREC| 7256| 7196|X|MREC CPU Processors: Single proc, Multi-core(4, max 8 c/p), No HT
2016-06-25|17:15:01.026| MREC| 7256| 7196|X|MREC CPU Instruction Sets: Std, MMX, EMMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE41, SSE42, SSE4A, LMI, AVX(Disabled), F16C, BMI1, RDTSCP, CMOV, FXSR, ITSC, POPCNT, LZCNT, XSAVE(Enabled)
2016-06-25|17:15:01.026| MREC| 7256| 7196|X|MREC CPU Cache Sizes: 32K L1 instruction, 32K L1 data, 2M L2, 0K L3, 0K L4
2016-06-25|17:15:01.026| MREC| 7256| 7196|X|SDAPI v27.447
2016-06-25|17:15:01.026| MREC| 7256| 7196|X|Current time: 2016-06-25 17:15:01
2016-06-25|17:15:01.047| S2| 7256| 7196|X|S2: MREC - The modular recognizer
2016-06-25|17:15:01.047| S2| 7256| 7196|X|MREC Build inmss (Intel Win32 MSVC++ 11.0 Small Ship)
2016-06-25|17:15:01.047| S2| 7256| 7196|X|MREC Compiled 2014-08-04 15:44:58
2016-06-25|17:15:01.047| S2| 7256| 7196|X|MREC Copyright (c) 1991-2014 Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.
2016-06-25|17:15:01.047| S2| 7256| 7196|X|MREC Machine OS: Windows 8 build 9200 64-bit
2016-06-25|17:15:01.047| S2| 7256| 7196|X|MREC Machine Speed: CyclesPerMicrosec: 1996; DynSRSF: 1524; StatSRSF: 3385
2016-06-25|17:15:01.047| S2| 7256| 7196|X|MREC Machine Memory: RAM: 7128M; Address: 4095M; CommitLimit: 8280M
2016-06-25|17:15:01.047| S2| 7256| 7196|X|MREC Machine Info: #LPUs: 4; PageSize: 4096; AllocGran: 65536
2016-06-25|17:15:01.047| S2| 7256| 7196|X|MREC Machine Name: MA-ACERNB
2016-06-25|17:15:01.047| S2| 7256| 7196|X|MREC CPU Label: AMD A8-6410 APU with AMD Radeon R5 Graphics
2016-06-25|17:15:01.047| S2| 7256| 7196|X|MREC CPU Details: AuthenticAMD, Fam 22, Mod 48, Step 1, Type 0
2016-06-25|17:15:01.047| S2| 7256| 7196|X|MREC CPU Processors: Single proc, Multi-core(4, max 8 c/p), No HT
2016-06-25|17:15:01.047| S2| 7256| 7196|X|MREC CPU Instruction Sets: Std, MMX, EMMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE41, SSE42, SSE4A, LMI, AVX(Disabled), F16C, BMI1, RDTSCP, CMOV, FXSR, ITSC, POPCNT, LZCNT, XSAVE(Enabled)
2016-06-25|17:15:01.047| S2| 7256| 7196|X|MREC CPU Cache Sizes: 32K L1 instruction, 32K L1 data, 2M L2, 0K L3, 0K L4
2016-06-25|17:15:01.047| S2| 7256| 7196|X|SDAPI v27.447
2016-06-25|17:15:01.111| S2| 7256| 7196|X|S2: Info: initializing compute speed to slow value based on
2016-06-25|17:15:01.147| S2| 7256| 7196|X|S2: 375ms ClsDSXEngine::Initialize 1 C:ProgramDataNuanceNaturallySpeaking13natspeak.ini 0 END [2517046ms]
2016-06-25|17:15:01.162| S2| 7256| 7196|X|S2: 0ms ClsDSXBasicFileSystem::ClsDSXBasicFileSystem ENTER [2517062ms]
2016-06-25|17:15:01.163| S2| 7256| 7196|X|S2: 0ms ClsDSXBasicFileSystem::ClsDSXBasicFileSystem END [2517062ms]
2016-06-25|17:15:01.163| S2| 7256| 7196|X|S2: Info: SetGlobalPreferencesFile
2016-06-25|17:15:01.191| S2| 7256| 7196|X|S2: Info: SetModelsDescriptionFile
2016-06-25|17:15:01.224| S2| 7256| 7196|X|S2: Info: SetUsersDirectory
2016-06-25|17:15:01.225| S2| 7256| 7196|X|S2: Info: SetVocabsLocation
2016-06-25|17:15:01.248| S2| 7256| 7196|X|S2: Info: SetResultsDirectory
2016-06-25|17:15:01.249| LEGACY| 7256| 7196|I|Info: language from registry 4 1
2016-06-25|17:15:01.249| LEGACY| 7256| 7196|I|Info: server language id 4
2016-06-25|17:15:05.245| GSW| 7256| 8948|I|Processing models, looking for Accents to add to the combobox in Speech Options page
2016-06-25|17:15:05.245| GSW| 7256| 8948|I|Model Deutsch | BestMatch IV with Accent = False, AcousticType = *
2016-06-25|17:15:05.248| GSW| 7256| 8948|I|Model Deutsch | BestMatch IV with Accent = False, AcousticType = *, Pretty name = {}, Advanced Name = {BestMatch IV}
2016-06-25|17:15:05.249| GSW| 7256| 8948|I|Model Deutsch | BestMatch V with Accent = False, AcousticType = *
2016-06-25|17:15:05.250| GSW| 7256| 8948|I|Model Deutsch | BestMatch V with Accent = False, AcousticType = *, Pretty name = {}, Advanced Name = {BestMatch V}
2016-06-25|17:15:05.252| LEGACY| 7256| 8948|I|LOG (Access): Requesting administrative access for user upgrade wizard
2016-06-25|17:18:01.987| LEGACY| 7256| 8948|I|[LME] Info - LME was not available during cNewUserSupport::cleanupSLME
2016-06-25|17:18:01.990| LEGACY| 7256| 8948|I|Info: ComRemoveLock Posting DWM_VBAR_COM_GONE message
2016-06-25|17:18:01.997| S2| 7256| 8948|X|S2: 0ms ClsDSXBasicFileSystem::CloseSpeakerWithFlags ENTER [2697890ms]
2016-06-25|17:18:01.997| S2| 7256| 8948|X|S2: 0ms ClsDSXBasicFileSystem::CloseSpeakerWithFlags END [2697890ms]
2016-06-25|17:18:01.998| LEGACY| 7256| 8948|I|Starting Shutdown of S2
2016-06-25|17:18:01.998| S2| 7256| 8948|X|S2: [ 0%| 0ms|# 0| 0ms|root]
2016-06-25|17:18:01.998| S2| 7256| 8948|X|S2: Info: # of outstanding utts 0
2016-06-25|17:18:01.998| S2| 7256| 8948|X|S2: Info: # of leaked lattices 0
2016-06-25|17:18:01.998| S2| 7256| 8948|X|S2: Info: inactive results 0
2016-06-25|17:18:01.998| S2| 7256| 8948|X|S2: Info: unlocked results 0
2016-06-25|17:18:01.998| S2| 7256| 8948|X|S2: Info: locked result 0
2016-06-25|17:18:01.998| S2| 7256| 8948|X|S2: Info: guid map 0
2016-06-25|17:18:01.998| S2| 7256| 8948|X|S2: Info: itnresults 0
2016-06-25|17:18:01.998| S2| 7256| 8948|X|S2: S2 Shutdown Start
2016-06-25|17:18:01.999| S2| 7256| 8948|X|S2: Warning: demonthread not terminated, waiting
2016-06-25|17:18:02.001| S2| 7256| 8948|X|S2: after free result all memory 0
2016-06-25|17:18:02.001| S2| 7256| 8948|X|S2: after free result all memory 0
2016-06-25|17:18:02.001| S2| 7256| 8948|X|S2: after free result all memory 0
2016-06-25|17:18:02.001| S2| 7256| 8948|X|S2: after free result all memory 0
2016-06-25|17:18:02.001| S2| 7256| 8948|X|S2: after free result all memory 0
2016-06-25|17:18:02.001| S2| 7256| 8948|X|S2: after free result all memory 0
2016-06-25|17:18:02.001| S2| 7256| 8948|X|S2: respool shutdown all memory 0
2016-06-25|17:18:02.001| S2| 7256| 8948|X|S2: ClsModularRecognizer 0x01012038 destroyed.
2016-06-25|17:18:02.003| S2| 7256| 8948|X|S2: S2 Shutdown Complete
2016-06-25|17:18:02.003| LEGACY| 7256| 8948|I|S2 Shutdown Complete
2016-06-25|17:18:02.077| LEGACY| 7268| 1924|I|(UIAServer) Info: The Server has stopped
2016-06-25|17:18:02.084| LOGGER| 7268| 1924|I|Client disconnected: dgnuiasvr.exe
2016-06-25|17:18:02.575| LEGACY| 7364| 6848|I|[x64] (UIAServer) Info: The Server has stopped
2016-06-25|17:18:02.631| LOGGER| 7364| 6848|I|Client disconnected: dgnuiasvr_x64.exe
2016-06-25|17:18:08.220| LOGGER| 7256| 8948|I|Client disconnected: natspeak.exe
2016-06-25|19:50:20.915| LOGGER| 1508| 8696|I|Client connected: natspeak.exe
2016-06-25|19:50:20.915| LEGACY| 1508| 8696|I|Starting process C:Program Files (x86)NuanceNaturallySpeaking13Programnatspeak.exe (DEU)
2016-06-25|19:50:21.380| LOGGER| 2344| 7268|I|Client connected: dgnuiasvr.exe
2016-06-25|19:50:21.380| LEGACY| 2344| 7268|I|(UIAServer) Identity: S-1-5-21-1850170402-3390379249-120057057-1001:Dragon.UiaServer
2016-06-25|19:50:21.380| LEGACY| 2344| 7268|I|(UIAServer) Info: The server has started with Integrity Access Level:
2016-06-25|19:50:21.998| LOGGER| 8344| 9028|I|Client connected: dgnuiasvr_x64.exe
2016-06-25|19:50:21.998| LEGACY| 8344| 9028|I|[x64] (UIAServer) Identity: S-1-5-21-1850170402-3390379249-120057057-1001:Dragon.UiaServer64
2016-06-25|19:50:21.998| LEGACY| 8344| 9028|I|[x64] (UIAServer) Info: The server has started with Integrity Access Level:
2016-06-25|19:50:22.463| LEGACY| 1508| 8696|I|LOG (MainWin): Windows user has administrative access to NatSpeak
2016-06-25|19:50:22.475| LEGACY| 1508| 8696|I|Dragon NaturallySpeaking Version
2016-06-25|19:50:22.513| LEGACY| 1508| 8696|I|OS: Windows 8 build 9200 64-bit
2016-06-25|19:50:22.513| LEGACY| 1508| 8696|I|Locale: 407
2016-06-25|19:50:22.513| LEGACY| 1508| 8696|I|Multimedia: Mikrofon (Realtek High Definiti(1.101)
2016-06-25|19:50:22.514| LEGACY| 1508| 8696|I|Marshaler: Microsoft, Version
2016-06-25|19:50:22.515| LEGACY| 1508| 8696|I|Doing QuickCheck of installation...
2016-06-25|19:50:22.519| LEGACY| 1508| 8696|I|Edition: Home
2016-06-25|19:50:22.523| LEGACY| 1508| 8696|I|Edition history:
2016-06-25|19:50:22.541| LEGACY| 1508| 8696|I|File C:WINDOWSsystem32comctl32.dll: Version 5.82.10586.0
2016-06-25|19:50:22.542| LEGACY| 1508| 8696|I|File C:WINDOWSsystem32riched20.dll: Version
2016-06-25|19:50:22.542| LEGACY| 1508| 8696|I|File C:WINDOWSsystem32riched32.dll: Version 6.2.10586.0, LanguageID 0x0409
2016-06-25|19:50:22.542| LEGACY| 1508| 8696|I|File C:WINDOWSsystem32comdlg32.dll: Version 6.2.10586.0
2016-06-25|19:50:22.542| LEGACY| 1508| 8696|I|File C:WINDOWSsystem32user32.dll: Version 6.2.10586.306
2016-06-25|19:50:22.543| LEGACY| 1508| 8696|I|File C:WINDOWSsystem32oleacc.dll: Version 7.2.10586.212
2016-06-25|19:50:22.546| LEGACY| 1508| 8696|I|Info: Running under 'MA-ACERNBMarkus' account (S-1-5-21-1850170402-3390379249-120057057-1001)
2016-06-25|19:50:22.546| LEGACY| 1508| 8696|I|UAC: Info: Running with Integrity Level:
2016-06-25|19:50:22.584| LEGACY| 1508| 8696|I|File C:WINDOWSspeechspeech.dll: Version
2016-06-25|19:50:22.584| LEGACY| 1508| 8696|I|File C:WINDOWSspeechvcmd.exe: Version
2016-06-25|19:50:22.584| LEGACY| 1508| 8696|I|File C:WINDOWSspeechvcmshl.dll: Version
2016-06-25|19:50:22.586| LEGACY| 1508| 8696|I|File C:Program Files (x86)NuanceNaturallySpeaking13Programdnstk10.dll: Version
2016-06-25|19:50:22.586| LEGACY| 1508| 8696|I|File C:Program Files (x86)NuanceNaturallySpeaking13Programdd10enum.dll: Version
2016-06-25|19:50:22.586| LEGACY| 1508| 8696|I|File C:Program Files (x86)NuanceNaturallySpeaking13Programdd10edit.dll: Version
2016-06-25|19:50:22.588| LEGACY| 1508| 8696|I|File C:Program Files (x86)NuanceNaturallySpeaking13Programnstex50.dll: Version
2016-06-25|19:50:22.594| LEGACY| 1508| 8696|I|Internet Explorer: Version 9.11.10586.0
2016-06-25|19:50:22.594| LEGACY| 1508| 8696|I|DirectX: Version
2016-06-25|19:50:22.604| LEGACY| 1508| 8696|I|IMA_ADPCM is supported by IMA ADPCM codec
2016-06-25|19:50:22.607| LEGACY| 1508| 8696|I|MPEGLAYER3 is supported by MPEG Layer-3 codec
2016-06-25|19:50:22.608| LEGACY| 1508| 8696|I|ADPCM is supported by Microsoft ADPCM codec
2016-06-25|19:50:22.610| LEGACY| 1508| 8696|I|ALAW is supported by CCITT A-Law codec
2016-06-25|19:50:22.610| LEGACY| 1508| 8696|I|MULAW is supported by CCITT u-Law codec
2016-06-25|19:50:22.617| LEGACY| 1508| 8696|I|QuickCheck Passed.
2016-06-25|19:50:22.632| LEGACY| 1508| 7568|I|Identity: S-1-5-5-0-279749:Dragon.ActiveServices
2016-06-25|19:50:22.671| S2| 1508| 5780|X|S2: 0ms ClsDSXEngine::Initialize 1 C:ProgramDataNuanceNaturallySpeaking13natspeak.ini 0 ENTER [11838562ms]
2016-06-25|19:50:22.671| S2| 1508| 5780|X|Server Version
2016-06-25|19:50:22.671| S2| 1508| 5780|X|Copyright (c) 1995-2014 Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.
2016-06-25|19:50:22.671| S2| 1508| 5780|X|S2: Tokenizer:
2016-06-25|19:50:22.672| S2| 1508| 5780|X|S2: ClsModularRecognizer 0x01023D80 created.
2016-06-25|19:50:22.809| MREC| 1508| 5780|X|MREC - The modular recognizer
2016-06-25|19:50:22.809| MREC| 1508| 5780|X|MREC Build inmss (Intel Win32 MSVC++ 11.0 Small Ship)
2016-06-25|19:50:22.809| MREC| 1508| 5780|X|MREC Compiled 2014-08-04 15:44:58
2016-06-25|19:50:22.809| MREC| 1508| 5780|X|MREC Copyright (c) 1991-2014 Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.
2016-06-25|19:50:22.809| MREC| 1508| 5780|X|MREC Machine OS: Windows 8 build 9200 64-bit
2016-06-25|19:50:22.809| MREC| 1508| 5780|X|MREC Machine Speed: CyclesPerMicrosec: 1996; DynSRSF: 2067; StatSRSF: 3385
2016-06-25|19:50:22.809| MREC| 1508| 5780|X|MREC Machine Memory: RAM: 7128M; Address: 4095M; CommitLimit: 8280M
2016-06-25|19:50:22.809| MREC| 1508| 5780|X|MREC Machine Info: #LPUs: 4; PageSize: 4096; AllocGran: 65536
2016-06-25|19:50:22.809| MREC| 1508| 5780|X|MREC Machine Name: MA-ACERNB
2016-06-25|19:50:22.809| MREC| 1508| 5780|X|MREC CPU Label: AMD A8-6410 APU with AMD Radeon R5 Graphics
2016-06-25|19:50:22.809| MREC| 1508| 5780|X|MREC CPU Details: AuthenticAMD, Fam 22, Mod 48, Step 1, Type 0
2016-06-25|19:50:22.809| MREC| 1508| 5780|X|MREC CPU Processors: Single proc, Multi-core(4, max 8 c/p), No HT
2016-06-25|19:50:22.809| MREC| 1508| 5780|X|MREC CPU Instruction Sets: Std, MMX, EMMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE41, SSE42, SSE4A, LMI, AVX(Disabled), F16C, BMI1, RDTSCP, CMOV, FXSR, ITSC, POPCNT, LZCNT, XSAVE(Enabled)
2016-06-25|19:50:22.809| MREC| 1508| 5780|X|MREC CPU Cache Sizes: 32K L1 instruction, 32K L1 data, 2M L2, 0K L3, 0K L4
2016-06-25|19:50:22.809| MREC| 1508| 5780|X|SDAPI v27.447
2016-06-25|19:50:22.809| MREC| 1508| 5780|X|Current time: 2016-06-25 19:50:22
2016-06-25|19:50:22.810| S2| 1508| 5780|X|S2: MREC - The modular recognizer
2016-06-25|19:50:22.810| S2| 1508| 5780|X|MREC Build inmss (Intel Win32 MSVC++ 11.0 Small Ship)
2016-06-25|19:50:22.810| S2| 1508| 5780|X|MREC Compiled 2014-08-04 15:44:58
2016-06-25|19:50:22.810| S2| 1508| 5780|X|MREC Copyright (c) 1991-2014 Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.
2016-06-25|19:50:22.810| S2| 1508| 5780|X|MREC Machine OS: Windows 8 build 9200 64-bit
2016-06-25|19:50:22.810| S2| 1508| 5780|X|MREC Machine Speed: CyclesPerMicrosec: 1996; DynSRSF: 2067; StatSRSF: 3385
2016-06-25|19:50:22.810| S2| 1508| 5780|X|MREC Machine Memory: RAM: 7128M; Address: 4095M; CommitLimit: 8280M
2016-06-25|19:50:22.810| S2| 1508| 5780|X|MREC Machine Info: #LPUs: 4; PageSize: 4096; AllocGran: 65536
2016-06-25|19:50:22.810| S2| 1508| 5780|X|MREC Machine Name: MA-ACERNB
2016-06-25|19:50:22.810| S2| 1508| 5780|X|MREC CPU Label: AMD A8-6410 APU with AMD Radeon R5 Graphics
2016-06-25|19:50:22.810| S2| 1508| 5780|X|MREC CPU Details: AuthenticAMD, Fam 22, Mod 48, Step 1, Type 0
2016-06-25|19:50:22.810| S2| 1508| 5780|X|MREC CPU Processors: Single proc, Multi-core(4, max 8 c/p), No HT
2016-06-25|19:50:22.810| S2| 1508| 5780|X|MREC CPU Instruction Sets: Std, MMX, EMMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE41, SSE42, SSE4A, LMI, AVX(Disabled), F16C, BMI1, RDTSCP, CMOV, FXSR, ITSC, POPCNT, LZCNT, XSAVE(Enabled)
2016-06-25|19:50:22.810| S2| 1508| 5780|X|MREC CPU Cache Sizes: 32K L1 instruction, 32K L1 data, 2M L2, 0K L3, 0K L4
2016-06-25|19:50:22.810| S2| 1508| 5780|X|SDAPI v27.447
2016-06-25|19:50:22.814| S2| 1508| 5780|X|S2: Info: initializing compute speed to medium value based on
2016-06-25|19:50:22.815| S2| 1508| 5780|X|S2: 156ms ClsDSXEngine::Initialize 1 C:ProgramDataNuanceNaturallySpeaking13natspeak.ini 0 END [11838718ms]
2016-06-25|19:50:22.815| S2| 1508| 5780|X|S2: 0ms ClsDSXBasicFileSystem::ClsDSXBasicFileSystem ENTER [11838718ms]
2016-06-25|19:50:22.816| S2| 1508| 5780|X|S2: 0ms ClsDSXBasicFileSystem::ClsDSXBasicFileSystem END [11838718ms]
2016-06-25|19:50:22.816| S2| 1508| 5780|X|S2: Info: SetGlobalPreferencesFile
2016-06-25|19:50:22.829| S2| 1508| 5780|X|S2: Info: SetModelsDescriptionFile
2016-06-25|19:50:22.834| S2| 1508| 5780|X|S2: Info: SetUsersDirectory
2016-06-25|19:50:22.835| S2| 1508| 5780|X|S2: Info: SetVocabsLocation
2016-06-25|19:50:22.837| S2| 1508| 5780|X|S2: Info: SetResultsDirectory
2016-06-25|19:50:22.838| LEGACY| 1508| 5780|I|Info: language from registry 4 1
2016-06-25|19:50:22.838| LEGACY| 1508| 5780|I|Info: server language id 4
2016-06-25|19:50:24.386| GSW| 1508| 8696|I|Processing models, looking for Accents to add to the combobox in Speech Options page
2016-06-25|19:50:24.387| GSW| 1508| 8696|I|Model Deutsch | BestMatch IV with Accent = False, AcousticType = *
2016-06-25|19:50:24.388| GSW| 1508| 8696|I|Model Deutsch | BestMatch IV with Accent = False, AcousticType = *, Pretty name = {}, Advanced Name = {BestMatch IV}
2016-06-25|19:50:24.389| GSW| 1508| 8696|I|Model Deutsch | BestMatch V with Accent = False, AcousticType = *
2016-06-25|19:50:24.390| GSW| 1508| 8696|I|Model Deutsch | BestMatch V with Accent = False, AcousticType = *, Pretty name = {}, Advanced Name = {BestMatch V}
2016-06-25|19:50:24.393| LEGACY| 1508| 8696|I|LOG (Access): Requesting administrative access for user upgrade wizard
2016-06-25|19:52:13.129| LEGACY| 1508| 8696|I|[LME] Info - LME was not available during cNewUserSupport::cleanupSLME
2016-06-25|19:52:13.138| LEGACY| 1508| 8696|I|Info: ComRemoveLock Posting DWM_VBAR_COM_GONE message
2016-06-25|19:52:13.143| S2| 1508| 8696|X|S2: 0ms ClsDSXBasicFileSystem::CloseSpeakerWithFlags ENTER [11949046ms]
2016-06-25|19:52:13.143| S2| 1508| 8696|X|S2: 0ms ClsDSXBasicFileSystem::CloseSpeakerWithFlags END [11949046ms]
2016-06-25|19:52:13.143| LEGACY| 1508| 8696|I|Starting Shutdown of S2
2016-06-25|19:52:13.143| S2| 1508| 8696|X|S2: [ 0%| 0ms|# 0| 0ms|root]
2016-06-25|19:52:13.143| S2| 1508| 8696|X|S2: Info: # of outstanding utts 0
2016-06-25|19:52:13.143| S2| 1508| 8696|X|S2: Info: # of leaked lattices 0
2016-06-25|19:52:13.143| S2| 1508| 8696|X|S2: Info: inactive results 0
2016-06-25|19:52:13.143| S2| 1508| 8696|X|S2: Info: unlocked results 0
2016-06-25|19:52:13.143| S2| 1508| 8696|X|S2: Info: locked result 0
2016-06-25|19:52:13.143| S2| 1508| 8696|X|S2: Info: guid map 0
2016-06-25|19:52:13.143| S2| 1508| 8696|X|S2: Info: itnresults 0
2016-06-25|19:52:13.143| S2| 1508| 8696|X|S2: S2 Shutdown Start
2016-06-25|19:52:13.143| S2| 1508| 8696|X|S2: Warning: demonthread not terminated, waiting
2016-06-25|19:52:13.144| S2| 1508| 8696|X|S2: after free result all memory 0
2016-06-25|19:52:13.144| S2| 1508| 8696|X|S2: after free result all memory 0
2016-06-25|19:52:13.144| S2| 1508| 8696|X|S2: after free result all memory 0
2016-06-25|19:52:13.144| S2| 1508| 8696|X|S2: after free result all memory 0
2016-06-25|19:52:13.144| S2| 1508| 8696|X|S2: after free result all memory 0
2016-06-25|19:52:13.144| S2| 1508| 8696|X|S2: after free result all memory 0
2016-06-25|19:52:13.144| S2| 1508| 8696|X|S2: respool shutdown all memory 0
2016-06-25|19:52:13.145| S2| 1508| 8696|X|S2: ClsModularRecognizer 0x01023D80 destroyed.
2016-06-25|19:52:13.146| S2| 1508| 8696|X|S2: S2 Shutdown Complete
2016-06-25|19:52:13.146| LEGACY| 1508| 8696|I|S2 Shutdown Complete
2016-06-25|19:52:13.209| LEGACY| 2344| 7268|I|(UIAServer) Info: The Server has stopped
2016-06-25|19:52:13.213| LOGGER| 2344| 7268|I|Client disconnected: dgnuiasvr.exe
2016-06-25|19:52:13.711| LEGACY| 8344| 9028|I|[x64] (UIAServer) Info: The Server has stopped
2016-06-25|19:52:13.715| LOGGER| 8344| 9028|I|Client disconnected: dgnuiasvr_x64.exe
2016-06-25|19:52:19.266| LOGGER| 1508| 8696|I|Client disconnected: natspeak.exe
2016-06-25|21:11:35.509| LOGGER| 3576| 2592|I|Client connected: natspeak.exe
2016-06-25|21:11:35.509| LEGACY| 3576| 2592|I|Starting process C:Program Files (x86)NuanceNaturallySpeaking13Programnatspeak.exe (DEU)
2016-06-25|21:52:11.210| LOGGER| 5884| 5860|I|Client disconnected: natspeak.exe
2016-06-25|21:52:15.910| LOGGER| 3576| 2592|I|Client disconnected: natspeak.exe
2016-06-28|21:04:17.181| LOGGER| 9192| 5608|I|Client connected: natspeak.exe
2016-06-28|21:04:17.181| LEGACY| 9192| 5608|I|Starting process C:Program Files (x86)NuanceNaturallySpeaking13Programnatspeak.exe (DEU)

DNS Home 13, Windows 10

R.Wilke Offline

Beiträge: 6.368

30.06.2016 20:39
#4 RE: Dragon 13 startet nach Installation unter Windows 10 nicht Zitat · Antworten

Die Log-Datei spricht Bände. Mehr dazu später, vielleicht.

Problem: der "Common Software Manager", der beim Programmstart nach Updates sucht.


Dragon Professional 16 auf Windows 10 Pro und Windows 11
SpeechMike Premium (LFH3500); Office 2019 Pro + Office 365 (monatliches Abo)
HP ZBook Fury 17 G8 - i7-11800H - 24 MB SmartCache - 32 GB RAM - 1 TB SSD

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