der Drachen läuft ab Version Preferred 11 auf dem Macintosh.das Diktieren in die genannten Programme könnte sich schwierig gestalten, da diese im Zweifel "Select and Say" nicht unterstützen. Das lässt sich aber umgehen, indem man das von Drachen bereitgestellte Diktierfenster nutzt und die Texte dann in das Entsprechendeprogramm einfügen lässt. Das mache ich auch bei vielen Programmen, wenn es um einen Text geht ist das sehr komfortabel.
Was die Steuerung des Rechners angeht, so gibt es für die niedrigeren Versionen von Dragon NaturallySpeaking Zusatz Software um die Rechnersteuerung zu vereinfachen, ab der Version Professionell braucht man diese nicht zwangsläufig, da man hier umfangreiche Makros programmieren kann.
please excuse me replying to you in English and if you need a translation then please just ask.
Because of the Google translation of German I may misunderstand your question but I am sure you, or my fellow moderator, will let me know..
First of all Dragon NaturallySpeaking runs on Windows and if you want to run Dragon NaturallySpeaking on a Mac you need to run a VM "virtual machine" like Parallels, or use a Windows partition using Boot Camp, either of which facilitates Windows,. However judging by the programs you have mentioned it sounds like you want to interact directly with OS X on your Mac and for that you need DragonDictate and not Dragon NaturallySpeaking. Unfortunately DragonDictate lags behind Dragon NaturallySpeaking in terms of command and control but you can add many of your own voice commands to automate various tasks. In terms of dictation DragonDictate uses the same speech engine as Dragon NaturallySpeaking and is very accurate, however there are a few issues when it comes to correcting and modifying text. I don't know to what extent you need to use the voice activation software but if it is for 100% hands-free command and control then it isn't up to the same standard as Dragon NaturallySpeaking, however if it is mainly for dictation you will probably be pleasantly surprised by the accuracy.
To basically answer your question, yes you are correct in that all you need is the DragonDictate program, USB soundcard and microphone. When you buy DragonDictate software you will be provided with a microphone and a USB soundcard as part of the package, presuming you purchase the boxed package as opposed to a download. Accuracy can be improved by using a more expensive microphone and USB card but it is debatable to what extent, 1 or 2% if that.
oh, Entschuldigung, da habe ich mich wohl verlesen, ich dachte Dragon NaturallySpeaking läuft ab der Version 11 auch auf dem Mac. Danke fürs richtig stellen Lindsay!